IAS Application form

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Please provide us with some information about your business to enable us to process your application, such as: Company profile, number of students sent, legal registration information.
At the end of this form, please provide us with references from four different institutions.

Please provide us with a brief company profile, describing your student recruitment activities and business goals.
Do not leave blank.

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Organisation Description

We employ the following number of Student Advisers

We employ the following number of certified Student Advisers

Max. 5 entries. Please left click on your choices while pressing the CTRL-key on your keyboard. Thus you can choose multiple countries.

Please left click on your choices while pressing the CTRL-key on your keyboard. Thus you can choose multiple entries.

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Students sent

Please provide us with the number of students you have sent to (within the last 12 months):

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Reference Entry

When you have filled out the details below: You can add another reference by using the link at the bottom of this page.
Please send us four different references and make sure that two of the four references you supply are from accredited/state recognized schools.

Please add the phone number of the person at the given institution that can provide proof of your reference

Please add the phone number of the person at the given institution that can provide proof of your reference

Please add the phone number of the person at the given institution that can provide proof of your reference

Please add the phone number of the person at the given institution that can provide proof of your reference