Seminar Programme ICEF Eurasia

View the full event seminar programme for ICEF Eurasia 2025, where we welcome guest speakers and panellists to discuss and debate the latest trends in international education. The seminars will take place on March 17 between 14:00 and 19:00.

Mon • Mar 17
14:00 - 14:25Seminar Room
How to build effective relationships in 25 minutes • Agents & Providers (for FIRST TIMERS)
Professional Development Presentation
Reine Banu Karamanoğlu
Reine Banu Karamanoğlu
Reine Banu Karamanoglu is ICEF’s Turkey and Europe Agent Relation’s Manager. She worked in European institutions in several fields including education, public relations, law, communication for over ten years, she also had experience in abroad education previously. She has a degree in Bachelor of Arts in Linguistics. She also holds Master of Arts degree in European Studies from Sussex University. She studied in France having gained degrees in Bachelor of Arts and Master of Arts. She had training and certificates in Public Relations and Journalism. She is fluent in Turkish, English and French. She has a beginner level in Italian and German and currently learning Portuguese.
Agent Relations Türkiye / Europe, ICEF

This session will provide educators with a step-by-step guide on how to make the most out of their participation at ICEF events in general and ICEF Eurasia in particular.

The session will cover the following topics:

  • How to maximise your time during the event
  • Post-event follow-up and agent contracts
  • How to maximise your working relationship with providers and agents

14:30 - 14:55Seminar Room
Market update: Türkiye
Market Intelligence Presentation

With a population of 86 million people, nearly half of which is under the age of 30, Türkiye is a key destination for international student recruitment professionals. Driven by domestic capacity issues, especially within the higher education sector, demand for international education opportunities is high, with more than 52,000 outbound students currently identified by UNESCO, and the number expected to grow in the coming years. 

In this session, we provide a detailed market overview, including updates on the educational advances Türkiye has made, the relatively low English proficiency scores driving demand for ELT, pathway and foundation programmes, the ongoing impact of the devastating 2023 earthquakes and strategic tips helping attendees make the most of the strong market opportunity Türkiye represents.

15:00 - 15:25Seminar Room
Market update: Uzbekistan
Market Intelligence Presentation
15:30 - 15:55Seminar Room
Public vs private universities for international students: The respective advantages
Thought Leadership Interview

When considering study options, one common issue for international students is the distinction between public and private universities. At their core, the two are differentiated by their sources of funding. Public universities are funded, or part-funded, by the state and operate on a non-profit basis. In contrast, private universities are funded from a range of sources including tuition fees, donations from private figures or industry, and endowments. Some, although not all, are run on a for-profit basis. 

In this session, we look at the differences beyond the funding. We consider the cost implications of attending private and public universities, as well as the respective pros and cons in terms of programme range, class size, facilities, accommodation, and student support. With both public and private universities offering unique advantages, the purpose of this session is to help familiarise the audience with the differences so they can better support their students in making an informed decision.

16:30 - 17:10Seminar Room
How to prepare students effectively for visa interviews?
Student Journey Presentation
Haviva Parnes
Haviva Parnes
Haviva Parnes is the former US Head of Operations for EC English Language Centers and has served on the EnglishUSA board most recently as President and previously on the Advocacy and External Relations Committee. Haviva has over 20 years of experience in English Language Learning academics and operations, and has served as PDSO, leading trainings internally and externally regarding the F1 visa. Haviva has also served six years on the ACCET Commission. Currently, Haviva is working independently, supporting English Language programs with their compliance and operations. She continues to support EnglishUSA and its members through advocacy and active membership in the organization.
Past President, EnglishUSA

The F1 visa interview can be a daunting experience, but students who come prepared have a much higher likelihood of having their visa approved. Representatives from EnglishUSA and its membership will provide insight into preparing for the visa interview and participants will have the opportunity to role play the visa interview process. 

The seminar will cover essential topics such as common interview questions, appropriate dress code, required documentation, and strategies for demonstrating strong ties to one's home country.

17:15 - 17:55Seminar Room
Evolving student demand: The rise of alternative study destinations
Market Intelligence Panel discussion

While the US, the UK, Australia, and Canada - the “big four” - remain popular study destinations with hundreds of thousands of international students each year, their popularity has been dented by a range of factors, including the relatively high cost of living, as well as policy decisions aimed at restricting migration. At the same time, student preferences have evolved to take such factors as proximity, cost of living, ease of gaining a visa, and access to programmes in a range of languages, driving considerable demand across a number of emerging destinations. 

In this session, we look at the factors driving the shift in interest away from the “big four”. We look at what students expect in a newly competitive market, and how governments across a range of prospective destinations are responding to their needs in order to effectively drive up enrolments.

18:00 - 18:55Seminar Room
ICEF Eurasia Roundtable Series

As distinct from a panel session or keynote, the roundtables provide a space for a less-structured discussion but with guidance from an informed specialist. To provide that guidance, each table is led by a host whose role is to moderate and animate the discussion around the topic at hand.

- There will be two sittings of all tables, each lasting 25 minutes. The first begins at 18:00; the second at 18:30.

Roundtables' topics:

  • Ensuring visa application success in a changing policy environment - the UK
  • Cultural sensitivity in recruitment: Understanding the needs and expectations of Eurasian students
  • Building stronger partnerships: Meeting the challenges of quality student recruitment
  • The impact of digital transformation and social media to expand study abroad opportunities in Eurasia
  • Financial support and scholarships: Key factors for recruitment from Balkans
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