Prepare for your exam Exam overview and question format

Read the information below to ensure you are fully prepared for your exam, and have the best chance of passing first time.

Exam format

  • The ICEF exams are conducted online and in English.
  • You have 1 hour & 20 minutes to complete the exam.
  • To pass the exam you need to answer 40/50 questions correctly (80%).
  • This is an “open book” exam. You can use any outside information during the exam to answer the exam questions. This includes your notes from the course, eBooks, textbooks, etc.
  • The exam will be monitored via a web camera and matched to the I.D. and profile photo you will need to upload to your ICEF Academy account.
  • You have up to 12 months to attempt and successfully pass your exam from the date you receive access. This time period also includes any additional attempts you may require (up to 3 with the same fee).

Question Format

The following information is important to know before attempting the exam:

  • The exams consists of 30-50 multiple-choice questions with four possible answers. There is only one correct answer to each question.
  • The exam will present you with real-world scenarios you are likely to face as an education agent.
  • Each question on the exam is separate and is not linked to the other questions.
  • There may be questions that you won’t be able to answer without the help of external sources.
  • We encourage you to use the internet, books, or any other sources during the exam to help find answers to the questions.

Helpful Advice

Previous participants have found it easier to complete the course when they approached it from the point of view of an education agent. For example, pretend that:

  • You are working for a company in your home country.
  • Your role in the company is to recruit international students to study in your selected destination country.
  • Your job involves:
    • Recruitment and Counselling
    • Application and Letter of Offer
    • Payment and Confirmation of enrolment
    • Student visa application and grant
    • Pre-departure briefing
    • Admission and orientation
    • Enrolment into subjects and classes
    • Graduation and Post-Graduation
  • You are not the owner/Managing Director/CEO of the company.
  • You work in an office of 3 counsellors and your company also has a branch office in your selected destination country.

Please note that the above description is role-play information only, and just for the purposes of the exam. You do not need to meet this description in reality to be eligible to sit the exam.


If you fail the exam, you will receive an email with your results. Return to the course learning materials and revise the material thoroughly, focusing on the areas you failed.

Before you begin the exam, familiarise yourself with where to find information on the topics covered in the coursework. This will save you time searching for relevant information under exam conditions.

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