ICEF Academy Courses

Our courses are created in partnership with industry experts, leading institutions, and national education advisory boards.


Your path to an industry-recognised certification

  • Prepare Take a comprehensive course and practice tests associated with the final exam.
  • Take the Exam Purchase the final exam for your free course or take the exam included in your paid course.
  • Get Certified Answer questions correctly to obtain the required pass percentage and earn your certification.
Our courses encompass insights gained from 30+ years in the sector, and draw upon knowledge from experts in the world of international education.

By taking one of our self-paced courses and corresponding exams, you can equip yourself with an in-depth understanding of the complex international student recruitment landscape, and the skills to grow in your professional career. An ICEF certification is recognised sector-wide as a badge of excellence and a mark of reliability.

Unlock your potential with our programmes

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